This summer was an active time for Lee Partners – we represented many corporations and entrepreneurs and helped them locate, negotiate for, and occupy new space. A few of our highlights are below:
We helped Anthony Oliveri to lease space at 101 Clematis Avenue in Waltham for start up engineering company that had been his family dream for many years – it could become a modern-day “Hewlett Packard” engineering success story right here in Massachusetts!
Following this effort we helped another company – BeiGene – locate and negotiate office space at a Class A office building known as Reservoir Place at 1605 Trapelo Road in Waltham.
BieGene commenced operations in September in their new space. This company, with most of its employees located in China, is well known in the biotech field. Significantly, they just secured $97M in venture funding. The new Waltham executive office expands their presence in the United States.
Additionally, we helped another start-up company lease office space in Bedford –Exascale Networks – where the founders will open operations at 209 Burlington Road.
Continuing a long term support effort – Lee partners represented Polatis – a technology company with offices in the UK and Europe in the extension of their office space lease at 213 Burlington Road in Bedford. What a great location!
Bruce helped Boston Install to locate, negotiate, and secure expansion lease space at 18 Terry Avenue in Burlington. This will supplement and expand their Lawrence operations. Watch out for that truck!
Bruce also spent a lot of time this summer representing McGlynn, Clinton, & Hall Insurance in the purchase of their new office building space at 325 Boston Post Road in Sudbury – expanding their business and lowering their overall cost of occupancy. Larry McGlynn’s insurance business was ending a 10 year lease and Bruce helped to locate, negotiate, and secure the new space.
Lee Partners also had the opportunity to work with a highly innovative company called IDEX – US. IDEX, with headquarters in Europe, is expanding to the US and secured office/engineering space at Highwood Office Park in Tewksbury. Bruce represented IDEX in the initial lease of space at Highwood Office Park and recently helped them to expand into a total of 10,000 sq ft. of space. They are developing exciting next generation mobile personal identification technology. A company to watch!
As you can see – it has been a busy summer for Bruce and Lee Partners – representing companies that are starting up, growing, and expanding in the suburban Boston commercial markets!
Are you looking to move? How can I help you?